научная статья по теме The dynamics of karatekas’ physical fitness indicators when using the system of Hatha-Yoga Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «The dynamics of karatekas’ physical fitness indicators when using the system of Hatha-Yoga»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9-9 UDC 796.853.26.015.682

the dynamics of karatekas' physical fitness indicators when using the system of hatha-yoga

Yaroshenko D.V., Komar E.B.

The article is devoted to determining the peculiarities of influence which Hatha-Yoga means applied in training process of top-class karatekas have on the development of their basic and special physical qualities. In the paper the currently acute and relevant issue of optimizing athletes' physical fitness by introducing new technologies in training process is touched upon.

Purpose and methods. The purpose of the study is to examine the dynamics of highly qualified karatekas 'physicalfitness using the means of Hatha-Yoga during training exercises. The study involved 60 karatekas of high sports qualification from Russia and Kazakhstan. Methods for determining the general and special physical fitness were based on tests.

Results. We offered an effective method of recovery and increasing the performance of karatekas - the system of Hatha-Yoga which at the heart has special exercises aimed at the all-round development of a person (putting physical, intellectual and spiritual development together).

Keywords: karatekas; Hatha-Yoga; general physical fitness; special physical fitness; new technologies; training exercises.

динамика показателей физической подготовленности каратистов при использовании системы хатха-йоги

Ярошенко Д.в., Комар Е.Б.

Статья посвящена определению особенностей влияния средств хатха-йоги, применяемых в тренировочном процессе каратистов высокой квалификации, на развитие их основных и специальных физических качеств. В работе затронута актуальная и важная в современных условиях проблема оптимизации физической подготовленности спортсменов путем внедрения новых технологий в тренировочный процесс.

Целью исследования являлось изучение динамики физической подготовленности каратистов высокой квалификации при использовании средств хатха-йоги в процессе тренировочных занятий. Для достижения поставленной цели были исследованы 60 каратистов высокой спортивной квалификации. Методы определения общей и специальной физической подготовленности основаны на тестах.

В результате мы предложили эффективный метод восстановления и повышения работоспособности каратистов - система хатха-йоги, в основе которой лежат специальные упражнения, направленные на целостное развитие человека (физически, умственно и духовно).

Ключевые слова: каратисты, хатха-йога, общая физическая подготовленность, специальная физическая под-

готовленность, новые технологии, тренировочные занятия.

Application of Hatha-Yoga means in educational and training process of top-class karatekas is determined by a number of vital reasons. Firstly, sports karate is an international sport. At the present stage of development sports karate has good prospects to be included in the list of the Olympic sports. This will inevitably lead to the increase of karatekas' training process intensity and therefore it is necessary to look for the ways of optimizing athletes' physical fitness. Secondly, Hatha-Yoga is one of the most ancient systems of all-round development of a person. Application of Hatha-Yoga means in order to increase the level of karatekas' physical fitness can be an effective way to optimize all components of physical fitness [1]. The third reason lies in the influence of physical loads on human body. Any means of training has to be subordinated to a major goal - to bring up a harmoniously developed athlete, who is capable to demonstrate the highest sports performance, and to be a healthy and valid member of society. It demands to search new approaches to improving and effectively solving problems of physical fitness optimization. Yoga is one of the most developed methods of conscious harmonious self-im-provement of a person on the philosophical and practical level [1, 2].

The theoretical analysis and synthesis of practices showed that specialized researches on optimization of highly qualified karatekas' physical fitness by means of Hatha-Yoga hasn't been conducted so far. The scientific data and practical recommendations about modern technologies of optimizing sports training by means of Hatha-Yoga are practically absent.

The purpose of the concept of optimizing physical fitness in karate is to achieve athlete's optimum fighting conditions by means of systematic management of his shape and behavior under various conditions of sporting activity, which requires the optimization of all physical fitness aspects [3, 4, 5].


The purpose of the study is to examine the dynamics of highly qualified karatekas' general and special physical fitness (GPF and SPF) using the means of Hatha Yoga during training exercises.

Materials and methods of research

The study involved 60 karatekas of high sports qualification including candidate masters and masters of sports. The age of athletes ranged from 18 to 25, their experience of practicing sports karate was 5 years or more. We studied karatekas of sports clubs and karatekas of Spots Schools for Children and Youth from Russia and Kazakhstan.

At the beginning of the study, all athletes had approximately the same level of physical, technical and tactical training, health and functional condition.

During the study were divided athletes into 2 groups: a control group (CG) and experimental group (EG). Each group consisted of 30 people. Karatekas' control and experimental groups were practicing using the traditional methods of training. The EG students additionally attended Hatha-Yoga classes for ten months.

We defined the level of GPF and SPF by special tests.

For the GPF level assessment we used next exercises: pulling,

pushups, folding, standing long jump, six-minute run, 100 m-distance run, 4x9 m shuttle run, crab and lateral split.

Special physical fitness (SPFC, %) is defined as the arithmetic average of the coefficients - strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination abilities.

We carried out studying of the GPF and SPF level dynamics at the beginning and at the end of the research, and in the course of the research we also compared these indicators of athletes in experimental group and control group separately.

At the end of the study a statistical analysis of the data was done. We calculated the average value (X ) and its standard deviation (±o). When determining the significance of differences between the average values of indicators we used Student's t-test for independent sampling. The differences of the averages were considered statistically significant at a significance level of p<0.05.

Research results and their interpretation

The conducted study demonstrated that using the means and methods of Hatha-Yoga leads to the increased efficiency of the training process. The introduction of Hatha-Yoga in the training process for karatekas significantly improves the indices of athletes' physical fitness (both general and special) that is immediately reflected in their performance and increased competitive sportsmanship.

The dynamics assessment of the GPF and SPF levels of karatekas during the experiment is shown in the histograms.

Figure - The histograms of the dynamics assessment of physical fitness in karatekas



3,42 3,36



0CG -at the beginning of the study BEG -at the beginning of the study


4,18 4,23 -gf


4,17 k










SCG -at the end of the study BEG - at the end of the study

□ EG -at the beginning of the study a EG - at the end of the study_

Note: CG - the control group, EG - the experimental group (rates at the beginning and at the end of the study), GPF - general physi-

cal fitness; SPF - special physical fitness; A - the comparison of the average rates for the physical fitness of the control and experimental groups at the beginning of the study; B - the comparison of the average rates for the physical fitness of the control and experimental groups at the end of the study; C - the comparison of the average rates for the physical fitness of the control group during the study; D - the comparison of the average rates for the physical fitness of the experimental group during the study; * - p<0.05 - the significance of differences compared to the initial level.

The profile «A» shows the comparison of the average rates for karatekas' physical fitness in the control and experimental groups at the beginning of the study. No significant differences in all indicators of physical fitness were observed at the baseline, which testifies the selection sampling at the beginning of the study done properly.

The profile «B» shows the comparison of the average rates for karatekas' physical fitness in the CG and EG at the end of the study. Here we see a significant difference in the evaluation of the SPF indices of the research subjects in the EG. The estimated improvement of SPF in the EG was 6.7% compared with an average rating of SPF at the end of the study in the CG that demonstrates the effectiveness of influence of Hatha-Yoga on karatekas' physical fitness.

The profile «C» is the comparison of the average rates for karatekas' physical fitness in the CG during the research process. We can see an evident improvement in the evaluation of SPF and GPF by 17% and 18%, respectively, which is the evidence of the effectiveness of traditional methods of sports karate training proposed by Spots Schools for Children and Youth.

The profile «D» is the comparison of the average rates for karatekas' physical fitness in the EG during the study. We can observe an evident improvement in the evaluation of SPF and GPF by 21.7% and 25%, respectively, which confirms the efficiency of influence of Hatha-Yoga on karatekas' physical fitness.

Having carried out the comparative analysis of the GPF and SPF level in CG and EG of karatekas it is clearly visible that due to using the system of Hatha-Yoga during training practices of karatekas their physical fitness level considerably rai

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