научная статья по теме THE ORIGINAL THIRTEEN AMERICAN STATES Языкознание

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The Original Thirteen American States


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The history of the 13 original states covers the period from 1607 till 1732.

Each colony had its own unique characteristics, but historians put them into groups based on where they were, why they were founded, and what kinds of industry they had.

The people who settled in the New England Colonies (Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire) wanted to keep their family unit together and practice their own religion. They were used to doing many things themselves and not depending on other people much. Some of these people came to New England to make money, but they were not the majority.

The New England Colonies were largely farming and fishing communities. The people made their own clothes and shoes. They grew much of their own food. Crops like corn and wheat grew in large amounts, and much of it was shipped to England. Foods that did not grow in America were shipped from England. Boston was the major New England port.

The people who founded the Middle Colonies (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey) were looking to practice their own religion (Pennsylvania mainly) or to make money. Many of these people did not bring their families with them from England and were the perfect workers for the hard work required in ironworks and shipyards.

The Middle Colonies were partly agricultural, partly industrial. Wheat and other grains grew on farms in Pennsylvania and New York. Factories in Maryland produced iron, and factories in Pennsylvania produced paper and textiles. Trade with England was plentiful in these colonies as well.

The founders of the Southern Colonies (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia) were, for the most part, out to make money. They brought their families, as did the New England colonists, and they kept their families together on the plantations. But their main motivation was to make good money that was available in the new American market.

The Southern Colonies were almost entirely agricultural. The main feature was the plantation, a large plot of land that contained a great many acres of farmland and buildings in which lived the people who owned the land and the people who worked the land. (A large part of the workforce was African slaves, who first arrived in 1619.) Southern plantations grew tobacco, rice, and indigo, which they sold to buyers in England and elsewhere in America.


In the year 1606, when James I was King of England, he gave a charter or patent to a number of gentlemen; this charter made them the owners of the entire part of America that lies between the thirty-fourth and thirty-eighth degrees of north latitude. The men who received this gift associated themselves together under the name of the London Company, and in the same year sent out three vessels, The Godspeed, Discovery, and Sarah (or Susan) Constant, carrying 105 men, but no women or children. A storm drove them off their course, and, in the month of May, they entered the mouth of a broad river, which they named the James in honor of their king. They sailed upstream for fifty miles, and, on the 13th of May, 1607, founded the settlement of Jamestown, which was the first English Colony successfully established in America.

Everything looked promising, but the Virginia Colon.y Map trouble was that the men did not wish to work,

and, instead of cultivating the soil, spent their time hunting for gold, which did not exist anywhere near them. The way they lived was careless and a great many fell ill and died. They would all have perished before long had they not been wise enough to elect Captain John Smith president of the council or leader of the colony.

New York

Manhattan Island was discovered in 1609 by Henry Hudson, while working for the Dutch East India Company. Dutch traders soon settled there and at Albany, about 150 miles up the Hudson River. The government in Holland gave exclusive rights to Amsterdam merchants to trade with the Native Americans on the Hudson and the area was named New Netherland. The Dutch West India Company was created in 1621, with unrestricted oversight of New Netherland. They bought Manhattan Island from the American Indians for about $ 24.

New York in 1679


First Seal of New Hampshire


In 1620, a group of English Puritans who fled to Holland to escape persecution, crossed the Atlantic and landed on the shores of Massachusetts. They traveled with the permission of the Plymouth Company. They built a settlement and named it New Plymouth. They created a government and called themselves 'the Pilgrims'. Others were soon to follow, and the foundations of the State of Massachusetts were laid. It is interesting to note that while the Pilgrims are often viewed as the first settlers, they were preceded by the St. Augustine and Jamestown settlements.

New Hampshire

In 1622 the Plymouth Company granted Mason and Gorges a tract of land bounded by the Merrimac and Kennebec rivers, the Atlantic Ocean and the St. Lawrence River. This area was soon settled by fishermen. Mason and Gorges dissolved their partnership in 1629. Emigrants from Connecticut and Massachusetts began to settle on the domain, but this was slowed by the French and Indian War. Afterwards, violent disputes with New York about grants ensued. The foundations for the commonwealth of New Hampshire were laid on this tract of land between the Merrimac, Kennebec and St. Lawrence Rivers.


King James of England persecuted the Roman Catholics in his kingdom and George Calvert, who was a zealous royalist, sought a refuge for his brethren in America. King James favored the idea, but died before anything was accomplished. His son Charles I granted a domain between North and South Virginia to Calvert. Lord Baltimore died before the charter was completed, but his son Cecil received it in 1632. The domain was called Maryland and Cecil sent his brother Leonard with colonists to settle it. They arrived in the spring of 1634 and laid the foundation for the commonwealth of Maryland at St. Mary


The Dutch explorer, Adrian Block, sailing east from Manhattan, explored a river that the Indians called Quon-eh ti-cut. In the valley watered by that river, a group of Puritans from Plymouth began a settlement in 1633. The first permanent settlement made in the valley of the Connecticut River was created by Puritans from Massachusetts, in 1636. This is the present site of Hartford. In 1638, another group from Massachusetts settled on the site of New Haven. The two settlements were politically united and laid the foundations for the commonwealth of Connecticut in 1639.

Rhode Island

Meanwhile, there was interest in forming a new settlement between Connecticut and Plymouth. Roger Williams, a minister, was banished from Massachusetts in 1636. He went into the Indian country at the head of Narraganset Bay. He was joined by several people

sympathetic to his plight. The group established State Seal of Rhode Island


State Seal of Maryland



themselves at the present site of Providence. Other people joined them and they formed a purely democratic government. Others, persecuted in Boston, fled to the Island of Aquiday, or Aquitneek (now Rhode Island), in 1638 and formed a settlement there. The two settlements were consolidated under one government, called the Providence and Rhode Island Plantation, for which a charter was given in 1644. And so the commonwealth

Delaware and Pennsylvania

A small colony from Sweden founded a town on the site of New Castle, Delaware, and called the area New Sweden. The Dutch claimed the region as a part of New Netherland, and the governor of New Netherland took action against the Swedes in the summer of 1655, and brought them under Dutch rule. It is difficult to distinguish between the first settlements in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, because of the early political situation.

The (modern day) State of Delaware remained in possession of the Dutch and, later, the English until it was purchased by William Penn in 1682 and annexed to Pennsylvania. It remained a part of Pennsylvania under the name of "The Territories" until the Revolution, when it became the present State of Delaware.

New Jersey

New Jersey's first permanent settlement was formed at Elizabethtown in 1644. A province lying between New Jersey and Maryland was granted to William Penn in 1681 as a refuge for his persecuted brethren, the Quakers, and settlements were immediately started there in addition to some already created by the Swedes within that domain.

The Dutch claimed that it was a part of New Netherland. A few Dutch traders from New Amsterdam seem to have settled there around 1620 and in 1623 a company led by Captain Jacobus May built Fort Nassau at the mouth of the Timmer Kill, near Gloucester. There, four young married couples with a few others began a settlement in that same year.

North Carolina and South Carolina

Unsuccessful attempts to colonize the area of the Carolinas had been made before the English landed at the James River. Some settlers went into North Carolina from Jamestown between the years 1640 and 1650 and in 1663 a settlement in the northern part of North Carolina had an organized government; the country was named Carolina in honor of King Charles II of England. In 1668, the foundations of the commonwealth of North Carolina were formed at Edenton. In 1670, some people from Barbados sailed into the harbor of Charleston and settled on the Ashley and Cooper rivers.

In 1729, Carolina became a royal province and was divided permanently into two parts respectively called North and South Carolina. The King of England bought the two Carolinas for $ 80,000. From that time until the French and Indian War the history of the Carolinas is fairly unremarkable aside from their

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