научная статья по теме THE ROSTOV REGION Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «THE ROSTOV REGION»


The Rostov Region

I. Read the text and do the tasks:

If you go to the south of Russia, you will come to the Rostov region. The total area of this region is 100,800 square kilometers. It stretches for 475 kilometers from north to south and for 455 kilometers from east to west.

The geographical position of the region is favourable because all the highways and main lines

connecting Russia with the Caucasus pass through it. Rostov-on-Don, the capital of our region, is known as "the gateway to the Caucasus."

The Rostov region consists of 43 rural districts. Within the territory of our region there are one thousand small rivers. The longest river is the Don. Our region is rich in lakes. It contains about 100 lakes.

The climate is temperate continental, so there are four clearly defined seasons.

Our region is rich in natural resources, the most important of which is coal. The centres of the coal mining industry are Kamensk, Shakhty and Novoshakhtinsk.

Chalk, different kinds of clays and sands, sandstone, limestone and quartzite are also found in Rostov region.

Today Rostov region is one of the most productive agricultural regions in Russia and the main wheat-growing area. With its rich soil and equable climate, the area is noted for many kinds of fruit and vegetables.

Rostov region is one of the biggest industrial centres in Russia. Today it produces combine-harvesters, cultivators and other agricultural machines, helicopters and locomotives, furniture and refrigerators, footwear and clothes, champagne, tobacco goods and so on.

Rostov region also serves as the country's resort. More than 20 different kinds of mineral water were discovered in our region. People come to Rostov sanatoria for mud and mineral water treatments.

The people who traditionally live on the banks of the river Don are called Cossacks. The Don Cossacks are known for being brave and freedom-loving people who remember the deep history of their lands. Since ancient times, the Don Cossacks were considered to be skilful hunters and good farmers. They have a unique mode of life, clothes, customs and traditions.

If you come to the Don you can hear the Don Cossacks' wonderful songs.

As you can see, the Don region is a beautiful place and we are proud of our native land!


II. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Rostov region situated?

2. What is the total area of the Rostov region?

3. The geographical position of the Rostov region is favourable, isn't it?

4. What kind of climate do we have in our region?

5. Our region is rich in mineral resources, isn't it?

6. What is produced in our region?

7. Our region is called the country's resort. Why?

8. What is the name of the people who traditionally live on the banks of the river Don?

9. Do you want to hear the Cossacks' songs?

10. What does the saying "There is no place like home" mean to you?

III. Find the best headline for the text:

- Charming Places on the Don

- The Don Region

- The History of the Rostov Region

- The Don Cossacks

IV. Find the English equivalents:

Самые большие промышленные центры, грязи и минеральные воды, умелые охотники, природные ресурсы, квадратные километры.

V. Translate the following words:

A rural district, a country's resort, the total area, agricultural machines, ancient times, freedom-loving people, different kinds of clays.

VI. Give three forms of the verbs:

To hear, to go, to see, to produce, to come, to live.

VII. Ask questions about the underlined sentence.

VIII. Rearrange the words to make a saying:



Сведения об авторе: Тарабукина Елена Александровна, учитель иностранного языка, МОУ Казанская СОШ Верхнедонского р-на, Ростовской обл. E-mail: vdonroo@mail.ru

Ключевые слова: the Rostov region, an industrial center, the Don Cossacks.

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