научная статья по теме TRADITIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE REGIONAL ENERGY POLITIC OF TURKEY Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов



Статья поступила в редакцию 21.06.10. Ред. рег. № 830 The article has entered in publishing office 21.06.10. Ed. reg. No. 830

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Г.И. Исаков , Хакан С. Сойхан , Гокан Джошкун , Айфер Везироглу , В.Г. Исакова

1 Институт Физики НАН Азербайджана AZ-1143, Baku, пр. Г.Джавида, 33 E-mail: gudrat.isakov@gmail.com 2 Инженерно-механический факультет университета Сакаря, Эсентепе-Кампус 54187 Сакаря - Турция E-mail: hsoyhan@sakarya.edu.tr 3 Международная ассоциация водородной энергетики Институт чистой энергии Университета Майами Корал Габлес, FL 33124, USA E-mail: vezirioglu@miami.edu 4 Бакинский Государственный Университет AZ 1148, ул. З.Халилова, 23, Баку, Азербайджан 4Институт почвоведения и агрохимии НАН Азербайджана* AZ1073, Баку, ул. М.Арифа, 5

Заключение совета рецензентов: 09.07.10 Заключение совета экспертов: 19.07.10 Принято к публикации: 29.07.10

В этой работе проанализированы возможности создания совместных долгосрочных стратегических региональных энергетических программ между Турцией, Азербайджаном, Грузией, Туркменистаном, Казахстаном, Узбекистаном, Россией и Ираном. Показаны перспективы развития производства электроэнергии в Турции с использованием экологически чистых источников энергии, таких как гидроэнергетика, солнечная энергия, водородная энергетика и другие. С развитием гидроэнергетики анализируются возможности экспорта Турцией электроэнергии в соседние страны в часы пика. Обсуждаются перспективы использования доходов от транзитных тарифов нефтяных и газовых трубопроводов, нефтеперерабатывающих заводов и других хозяйственных предприятий для развития альтернативной энергетики. Рекомендуются принципы политики по привлечению инвестиций для использования альтернативных источников энергии и производства водорода.

Ключевые слова: энергетическая политика, традиционная энергетика, альтернативная энергетика, гидроэнергетика, солнечная энергетика, водородная энергетика.

TRADITIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE REGIONAL ENERGY POLITIC OF TURKEY G.I. Isakov1, Hakan S. Soyhan2, Gokhan Co§kun2, Ayfer Veziroglu3, V.G. Isakova4

'Institute of Physics of National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan 33 H.Javid av., Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan E-mail: gudrat.isakov@gmail.com 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sakarya University, Esentepe Kampus 54187 SAKARYA - TURKEY E-mail: hsoyhan@sakarya.edu.tr 3International Association for Hydrogen Energy Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA, e-mail: vezirioglu@miami.edu 4Baku State University 23 Z.Khalilov str, Baku, AZ 1148, Azerbaijan Soil science and agriculture institute of NAS Azerbaijan 5 M.Arif str., Baku, AZ 1073, Azerbaijan

Referred: 09.07.10 Expertise: 19.07.10 Accepted: 29.07.10

In this work the possibility of establishing a co-herent long-term strategic regional energy program between Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Iraq is analyzed. Development perspectives of the production of electric power in Turkey by using clean energy sources such as hydropower, solar energy, hydrogen energy, and others are shown. The possibility of Turkey's export of electric power to neighbor countries in the peak hours, through the development of hydroelectric industry is investigated. Perspectives for the using revenues from transit tariffs oil and gas pipelines, refineries and other economic enterprises for the development of alternative energy industry are discussed. Policy principles to attract investment for the use of alternative energy sources and production of hydrogen are suggested.

Keywords: regional energy, global energy, energy politic, traditional energy, alternative energy, hydropower, solar energy, hydrogen energy.


Long-term projections, the creating of strategic plans and program in the field of both energy and economy are vital political and economical foundations for all nations, and the world. All forecasts, strategic and government plans are also important priorities of energy independence of every State. In early twentieth century, energy independent countries estimated the number of their own energy resources but in the second half, the processes of globalization have changed the principles of energy independence. Now energy independence is equally applicable to all countries, regardless of their own energy resources such as oil, gas and coal. In today's world, energy and economic independence of states defines their level of development of science, the ability of their participation and integration into regional and global processes. The world's oil, natural gas and other traditional energy resources are limited. However, modern world economy is built on traditional energy resources which require wasteful use of oil, gas and coal.

Future energy industry will be built on alternative energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, sea wave energy, geothermal energy, water energy, biomass energy. One of the priority of the future energy is the hydrogen energy. All land, air, surface and underwater vehicles may operate on the basis of hydrogen.

Regional and global energy

Since ancient times and today's day, science and commerce had the regional and global significance. A striking example of regional and global nature of science is the creation of ancient science centers and observatories, with the participation of top scientists from all regions and the world. An excellent example of regional and global nature of trade is the Great Silk Road, or the system of the Great Silk Road, covering more regions of China, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, entire Caspian region, the Caucasus, Turkey and Europe.

Since the twentieth century underground oil lakes, rivers of oil, natural gas storage and gas corridors began to run aboveground pipelines, uniting countries and entire regions. Oil, crossing oceans on tankers, electrical transmission lines, which took place on mountains, the valleys and rocks have become the most important factor of regional and global energy and the economy.

This article is the first in a series of articles on regional and global significance of traditional and alternative energy in Turkey and neighbors of Turkey.

Turkey's energy history

Turkey is one of the major oil and gas importers for its own consumption. There are several primary energy sources in Turkey such as pit coal, lignite, asphalts,

crude oil, natural gas, uranium, thorium called fossil energy reserves and also endless energy sources as hydraulic energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, see wave energy, biomass energy. Turkey's fossil sources especially fluid fossil fuel level is not enough compare constantly use in the world. Reserves of coal, geothermal and hydraulic energy potentials are 1% of the world.

Before the Republic of Turkey was founded, energy production and consumption level stayed very low. Within the first years of the republic, energy was used for heating more than industrial needs and the kerosene was used for lighting. In the 1st and 2nd five years development plans prepared for the period of 1933 and 1942 country was targeting an increase in energy production to decrease outer dependency and to save the currency. In these periods, foreign companies producing coal were nationalized. Institute of mining technique (MTA), Etude management of Electric works, Eti mine works (Etibank) and Petrol Ofisi was established. In 1940, the first petrol was found by MTA in Raman.

Liberalism in fifties, interference of substructure gained and hydraulic and thermic centrals were planned to be built. Energy production and consumption increased depending on industrialization and economic growth, in the meantime energy consumption constantly increased at industrial areas. State water works (DSi), Turkey petrol association (TPAO), Atomic Energy foundation and Turkish Coal association (TKi) were established in this period. Hydraulic centrals of Sariyar, Seyhan, Kemer, Goksu and thermic centrals of Tungbilek and Soma were established from 1956 to 1959. Turkey passed to systematic development period in 1963. Hydraulic energy sources and energy efficiency became more important in 1st (1963-67) and 2nd (196872) five years' development plans. Turkish Electric Corporation (TEK) was established in 1970. In 3rd five years development plan (1973-77), duty of getting the necessary electrical energy constantly and effectively is given to the TEK. In this period, another corporation called YSi for general management of roads, water and electrical works is founded and energy and natural sources ministry was established. In 3rd five years development plan, Keban hydraulic central (1974) and Seyitomer (1973), Hopa (1973) and Aliaga (1975) thermic centrals were opened. Besides all these developments in 3rd five years period, energy demand was not recompenseted becuase the primary energy sources such as coal and water wasn't developed enough to cover demand.

At 4th five years development plan, the target for compensating the total energy consumption from product primary energy sources was set to 53%. In this period, the total energy product increment rate gradually decreased while the consumption rate was increasing gradually. At the end of 1977, almost half of the energy demand was compensated from energy produced with national sources.

Production of the primary source of energy was increased from 14 493 Btep to 27 687 Btep between

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 8 (88) 2010

© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2010

1970 and 1997. In this period production of lignite increased 6.8 times providing the biggest contribution. Product of lignite was increased to 11 759 Btep in 1997 and covering 42.5% of the total production. The rest of the energy production was obtained from wood 19.9%, petrol 13.1% and hydr

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