урок -

юридическая консультация

"legal advice bureau"

Язык выступает как средство хранения и передачи от поколения к поколению всех знаний, не только лингвистических. С помощью иностранного языка ученик может усваивать знания из различных областей науки. Иностранный язык призван готовить учащихся к участию в межкультурной коммуникации и к выбору профессии, способствовать воспитанию потребности в практическом применении в будущей карьере.

Данный урок разработан для учащихся XI классов средней школы. Он рассчитан на учащихся, которые заинтересованы в получении таких профессий, как: юрист, адвокат, судья, консультант в области права и других.

Цель: Содействовать углублению знаний по обществознанию средствами иностранного языка.



1. Обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление основных понятий и фактов по теме: «Законы общества».

2. Продолжить работу по формированию устойчивых навыков по всем видам речевой деятельности в рамках заданной темы.


1. Развивать самостоятельность и волю школьников, используя для этого творческие задания и проблемные ситуации.

2. Развивать умение выделять главное, сравнивать, обобщать, логически излагать свои мысли.


1. Содействовать в ходе урока формированию мировоззренческих идей, воспитанию гражданственности.

2. Обеспечить условия для свободного развития личности школьников, помочь в выборе профессии.

Оборудование: картинки, аудиоматери-ал, магнитофон, элементы костюмов судьи, полицейского, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.

Good morning, children! I am very glad to see you. Let's start!

Most young people have а lot of opportunities open to them, when they leave school. It is very difficult to choose а profession. As far as I know some of you want to become lawyers. Lawyers have to solve а lot of problems that exist in our society. The aim of our lesson is to try to understand existing laws better, because laws control our lives, protect us and protect others. It is very important to know the laws that regulate people's relationships.

Today we'll open legal advice bureau. Now let's prераrе for our work.

II. Речевая разминка.

1. Match the following phrases.

1) Совершать преступление to plead (not) guilty

2) Лишение гражданских прав to lodge an appeal

3) Признать себя виновным (невиновным) to commit a crime

4) Осудить кого-либо, приговорить к... deprivation of civil rights

5) Участники судебного процесса to sentence somebody (to)

6) Вынести приговор participants in a law-court trial

7) Подавать апелляционную жалобу to pass a verdict

2. What crimes are being defined below?

E.g. driving after taking alcohol - drink-driving

1) Stealing something from someone's home. (Burglary)

2) Threatening to reveal secrets. (Blackmail)

3) Taking something illegally into another country. (Smuggling)

Ключевые слова: legal advice bureau, law, lawyer, case, trial.

4) Taking а person and asking its relatives for money. (Kidnapping)

III. Основная часть урока.

Т: Now we are ready to start our work. Look at the blackboard, please!

На доске представлен план урока в виде сюжетных иллюстраций. Названия ситуаций помогают учащимся представить их содержание.


Case 1. Jack's Story

Case 2. Whose Suitcase Is It?

Case 3. Murder Mуstегу

Case 4. Yesterday's Burglary

Case 5. А Theft

Т: Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph. Change the form of the verb when necessary. Work in pairs.

CASE 1 Jack's Story

sentence prison verdict steal witness arrest

Jack committed а crime when he robbed

а post-office. He (1)..... $ 5,000. А (2).....

managed to take а photo of him. The police

(3)..... him. The case came to court two

months later. At his trial Jack pleaded not guilty. But the photo was used as evidence

against him and the jury passed а (4).....of

guilty. The judge (5)..... him to 5 years in


Т: You have three minutes... Let's check! Who is ready? (Учащиеся читают предложения, называя правильную форму глагола).

Т: Yes, you are right! And now help the police officer come to the right decision. Read the text, please and find the solution.

CASE 2 Whose Suitcase Is It?

A police-officer has stopped the car. There are 3 people in the car: Mike, Linda and Sue. On the back seat there is а small suspicious suitcase. Mike says: "It's mine". Linda says: "It's hers". Sue says: "It's his". Nobody is telling the truth. Whose suitcase is it?

Т: Whose suitcase is it? (Учащиеся дают ответы, один из них дает объяснение с опорой на начальные фразы предложения).

Р: It is Mike's suitcase. I'll try to explain. Suppose that it is Mike's suitcase, because he says: "It's mine". Linda says: "It's hers". It means that this suitcase belongs to Sue. But nobody has told the truth. So, this suitcase belongs to Mike.

^ How clever you are! Good for you!

^ Now Case 3. I'll give you one minute to look through the text. Are you ready? Please, give Russian equivalents to the underlined phrases in the text.

CASE 3 Murder Mystery

"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, Mr Briggs", said Inspector Smart. "Your cousin is dead and I have every reason to believe he was murdered."

"Oh, no!" replied Briggs. "That's impossible! I saw Robert two days ago. We went to the cinema together. But I'm not surprised. Robert had a big mouth and a few enemies. As far as I know there was a friend of my brother's who lent Robert a tidy sum of money and never got it back. Another reason is my wife's uncle who has just got out of prison. He accused Robert of framing him."

As Briggs talked about Robert's enemies Inspector Smart arrested him on suspicion of murder.

^ Why did Inspector Smart arrest Briggs? Is Briggs guilty? Try to solve this problem.

• Did Inspector Smart say: "Robert is dead?"

• What did he say?

• So how many cousins did Mr Briggs have?

• Suppose that Mr Briggs had.........

• So how did Mr Briggs know which cousin it was?

CASE 4 Yesterday's Burglary

Listen to the dialogue. After listening you should read the following questions and write down your answers.

1) Who takes part in this dialogue?

2) Was there a burglary in the building last night?

3) Did Helen see anything last night?

4) What colour was the car?

5) Did Helen see who was in the car?

6) Who was in the car?


Из опыта школы


Helen: Why were the police here?

Alexander: They wanted to know where I was yesterday.

Helen: What for?

Alexander: There was а burglary last night. Did you see anything?

Helen: I saw а blue car as I was coming home.

Alexander: Did you see who was in that car?

Helen: Let me think... Two young people.

Alexander: Are you sure?

Helen: Yes. A man and a woman.

Alexander: I think you should inform the police!

Т: Pass me your works, please! Let's check your answers! Good for you! CASE 5 А Theft

Т: Listen to the problem that Paula has. She is at the police station.

(Группа учащихся инсценирует ситуацию обращения человека в полицейский участок. Задание подготовлено заранее.)

Paula: I want to report a theft.

Policeman: А theft?

Paula: Yes, а man stole my tape-recorder, my money and my documents. He took all these things from my house. Some minutes ago I opened the door with my key and saw somebody in the room. I cried and he ran through the window.

Policeman: Not so fast. I have to write all these down. Now... what was the thing?

Paula: А tape-recorder and more important than that, my money and ...

Policeman: Was it expensive, lady?

Paula: Sorry? Was it... what?

Policeman: Don't shout! Just keep calm! Was your tape-recorder expensive?

Paula: I don't really know. About 200 pounds.

Policeman: 200 what?

Paula: Pounds! English money! But look! I'm far more interested in my passport and money!

Policeman: I thought you said it was about your tape-recorder!

Paula: Oh! I'm ill after а talk with you!

Policeman: Never mind! We'll find this man!

Т: Have you ever been at а trail? (Ответы учащихся). Who are the participants of а criminal trail? Who gives

evidence in court? Now we have an opportunity to attend the trial.

At The Trial

Judge: You were on duty tonight?

Wilkins: Yes.

Judge: Where were you?

Wilkins: I was in the High Street.

Judge: Did you see anyone in the High Street at that time?

Wilkins: Yes, I did.

Judge: Can you tell the court whom you saw?

Wilkins: I saw the accused.

Judge: Where was the accused when you saw him?

Wilkins: He was outside the house.

Judge: Could you see what he was doing?

Wilkins: He was climbing out of a broken window of the house.

Lawyer: Your Honor! May I ask him a question?

Judge: Yes, you may.

Lawyer: You said it was evening. How could you see what the man was doing at that distance?

Wilkins: It was a moonlit night. There was a full moon.

Lawyer: Did the accused run away when he heard you coming?

Wilkins: He didn't hear me coming.

Lawyer: He didn't hear you coming. Police constables wear very heavy boots, don't they?

Wilkins: Yes, they do.

Lawyer: Were you wearing heavy boots on that occasion?

Wilkins: I was.

Lawyer: Heavy boots make quite a lot of noise?

Wilkins: Yes, they do.

Lawyer: But the accused didn't run away. Do you really believe that he didn't hear you coming?

Wilkins: He didn't hear me coming. I caught him just as he had climbed out of the window.

Lawyer: Do you expect the jury to believe that you couldn't be heard and that there was no time for accused to run away?

Wilkins: I was on a bicycle at that time. Rubber tyres do not make a noise.

Lawyer: I have no question. Thank you.

Public Prosecutor: Your Honor! I think this man is guilty. He went into the house of this girl by breaking the window. He took her

things, money and documents. He doesn't work and doesn't want to work. Why, I ask you? Because he is lazy. Of course it is easy to take somebody's things, sell them for nothing and live quietly. He doesn't think that they work hard to earn money. He takes them from their pockets, the

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